
Scanner sombre game plot
Scanner sombre game plot

As you might imagine this gives the game a very unique look and feel, since you’re only navigating based off of snapshots of your surroundings. It’s up to you to reveal the many walls, paths, ledges, bridges, and other features you’ll need to get yourself out of this place. You’ll also pick up enhancements to your scanner, which will help you climb your way through more complex sections of the cavern.Įssentially, you can see absolutely nothing in the game until you “paint” it with your scanner. With tools in hand you resume your explorations, revealing secrets of the cave that mortals have been ignorant to for centuries. Using a VR headset and a hand scanner, you can view your surroundings as a heat map of scanned points, navigating by impromptu dot matrix. Everything is pitch black and you seem to have no means of casting light, but luckily you have a tech solution at hand. You are a spelunker, rousing at your camp at what seems to be the very bottom of a massive cave system. I can still appreciate what it sets out to do, but man, do I ever wish it did more than that. But it does purport to be a horror game, and despite the absolutely incredible potential it has to horrify, it does very, very little of that.

scanner sombre game plot scanner sombre game plot

Scanner Sombre probably didn’t mean to place my expectations where it did, because it has a very clear idea of what it is and the story it wants to tell.

scanner sombre game plot

If a game builds up your expectations but then fails to meet them, how much of a deal-breaker is that for you? I can often look past such failings if there’s more to the game to appreciate, but huge disappointments are far harder to bounce back from.

Scanner sombre game plot